Must-see attractions in Central America

  • Iglesia


    The main church in Trujillo dates from 1832 and stands proudly on the Parque Central.

  • Northeast Acropolis

    El Petén

    An unremarkable part of the site, located to the east of the North Acropolis.

  • Copapase

    El Salvador

    Copapase is a small artists cooperative with its own tiny museum.

  • Palace Ball Court

    El Petén

    Games were put on here for the aristocracy's entertainment.

  • Parque Nacional Guanacaste

    Northwestern Costa Rica

    With the addition of Parque Nacional Guanacaste (345 sq km) in 1989, the Area de Conservación Guanacaste became part of a protected nature corridor…

  • World Trade Center

    Panama City

    Located within the financial district, these two towers were built in 1996.

  • Uxbenka

    Southern Belize

    The Maya ruins of Uxbenka are close to the village of Santa Cruz on the road from San Antonio. The site is mostly undeveloped and the visible part is…

  • Casa Amarilla

    San José

    On Parque España’s northeast corner, this elegant colonial-style yellow mansion (closed to the public) houses the Foreign Affairs Ministry. The ceiba tree…

  • Pozo el Salto

    Caribbean Coast

    This lovely partially dammed swimming hole, 4km north of town on the road to Managua, is framed in cascades of water and has been popular with picnickers…

  • Culture House

    Corn Islands

    The museum in this wooden building next to the stadium won't hold your attention very long with its pictures of old beauty queens, preserved lobsters and…

  • Branch Mouth

    San Ignacio

    Branch Mouth is the meeting place of the Mopan River, coming from Guatemala, and the Macal River, flowing down from Mountain Pine Ridge. The confluence of…

  • UCA


    Founded in 1960 as a Jesuit school, this is one of Nicaragua’s premier universities, with a curriculum heavy on science and alternative technologies, Che…

  • Baron Bliss Tomb

    Belize City

    At the tip of the Fort George peninsula lies the granite Baron Bliss Tomb, the final resting place of Belize's most famous benefactor, who never set foot…

  • Parque Central

    Caribbean Coast

    The central plaza is constantly buzzing with man gossip thanks to the steady stream of ranchers, who come to get their boots shined next to El Lustrador,…

  • Museo de Guanacaste


    The wheels of development grind slowly here in Liberia. The intention is that this historic building will no longer be just the former city jail or…

  • Drums of Our Father's Monument


    This monument in the traffic circle south of Dangriga's main bus station underscores the importance of percussion in Garifuna (and Belizean) life, with…

  • Museo Victoriano Lorenzo

    El Valle

    The exhibits in the three rooms of this small museum east of the center focus on local history and the eponymous mestizo national hero. The most…

  • Sabanero Statue


    Near the entrance of town, this statue of a steely-eyed sabanero (cowboy), complete with an evocative poem by Rodolfo Salazar Solórzano, stands watch over…

  • La Bocana

    Caribbean Coast

    The closest thing Bilwi has to a decent beach, this place is about as far from a Caribbean fantasy as it's possible to get, but folk still tramp up here…

  • Cruz de España

    Southwestern Nicaragua

    Ask your taxi driver to point out this monument, suspended from a gleaming half-arch above the traffic, which marks the spot where conquistador Gil…

  • Moravian Church

    Caribbean Coast

    You'll probably feel familiar with Pearl Lagoon's iconic church before you even reach the Caribbean, as it graces Nicaragua's 20 Cordoba banknote…

  • Centro Turístico


    This lakefront tourist center has restaurants, discos, sandy beaches, kids' play areas, and picnic spots, though the location is no good for swimming and…

  • Edificio Metálico

    San José

    One of downtown San José's most striking buildings, this century-old two-story metal edifice on Parque España's western edge was prefabricated in Belgium,…

  • Plaza de la Independencia


    North of Parque Central is Plaza de la Independencia, also known as the 'Plaza de los Leones.' The obelisk is dedicated to the heroes of the 1821 struggle…

  • Museo de la Nación Guna

    Comarca de Guna Yala

    This badly maintained, privately owned collection of Guna artefacts over two floors includes the usual baskets, molas and gammu burwi (bamboo flutes),…

  • Town Hall


    The Town Hall (Municipalidad), which stands behind the church in the center of town, is Panajachel's seat of government and handles administrative…

  • Parque Reyes

    Caribbean Coast

    Bluefields' best green space is a popular meeting point with impressive 25m-high trees sprouting bromeliads in the canopy and a monument to the six ethnic…

  • Parque Japon


    This not-particularly Japanese park, nestled in the back blocks of the Metrocentro area, is a great place for a bit of time out. There are plenty of trees…

  • Iglesia El Calvario

    Western El Salvador

    El Calvario has undergone numerous hardships and catastrophes since its initial construction in the early 19th century. Today it's an imposing place that…

  • Asamblea Legislativa

    San José

    Costa Rica's congress meets in this grand structure – known as the 'blue castle' – in the center of San José. It's scheduled to be replaced by a…

  • Iglesia El Carmen

    Western El Salvador

    Santa Ana's trifecta of Catholic churches is rounded out by El Carmen, which was damaged during the 2001 earthquake after nearly two centuries of…

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