Must-see attractions in Central Anatolia

  • Alacahöyük Museum

    Central Anatolia

    This little museum does a good job of explaining Alacahöyük's history and significance despite comprising only two rooms. One room is dedicated to small…

  • Rahmi M Koç Industrial Museum


    The surprisingly absorbing Rahmi M Koç Industrial Museum, located inside the beautifully restored Çengelhan caravanserai building, has three floors…

  • Kaymakamlar Museum


    This typical Safranbolu home has all the classic features of Ottoman houses. Once owned by a lieutenant colonel, it still feels like an address of note as…

  • Taş Han

    Central Anatolia

    The 17th-century Taş Han is an Ottoman caravanserai and workshop. The shops within its arched arcades sell a mixture of hand-painted yazmas (headscarves)…

  • Metalworker's Bazaar


    You'll hear the clang of hammers before you get here. This fascinating area is where the traditional metalworkers of Safranbolu still ply their trade and…

  • St Helen's Church

    Central Anatolia

    Sille's domed Byzantine St Helen's Church, near Sille's last bus stop, was reputedly founded by Empress Helena, mother of Constantine the Great, although…

  • Cinci Hanı


    Eski Çarşı's most famous and imposing structure is this brooding 17th-century caravanserai that has hotel rooms on the 2nd floor and a cafe-restaurant…

  • Sahib-i Ata Külliyesi


    Behind its requisite grand entrance with built-in minaret is the Sahib-i Ata Külliyesi, originally constructed during the reign of Alaaddin Keykavus…

  • Kral Kapı

    Central Anatolia

    Kral Kapı is named after the regal-looking figure in the relief carving. The kingly character, a Hittite warrior god protecting the city, is (quite…

  • Lion Road


    You enter the Anıt Kabir by the Lion Road, lined along its 262m length leading up to the vast plaza by 24 lion statues. Two squat towers mark the entrance…

  • Painting & Sculpture Museum


    The Painting & Sculpture Museum showcases the cream of Turkish artists. Ranging from angular war scenes to society portraits, the pieces demonstrate that…

  • Arslanhane Cami


    This Seljuk-era mosque is one of Ankara's most beautiful. It has an interior of chunky wooden columns topped by Roman capitals, an intricately carved…

  • Büyük Kale

    Central Anatolia

    Although most of the Büyük Kale site has been excavated, many of the older layers of development have been re-covered to protect them, so what you see…

  • Ali Paşa Cami

    Central Anatolia

    Classically Ottoman in architecture, Tokat's Ali Paşa Cami has been finely restored with its vast prayer hall under a grand central dome. It was built…

  • Upper City Temple District

    Central Anatolia

    Best viewed from atop the mound of Yer Kapı, Hattuşa's upper city temple district was once a grand centre of 24 temples dedicated to the Hittites' many…

  • Güney Kale

    Central Anatolia

    Immediately opposite Nişantaş, a path leads up to the excavated Güney Kale with a fine (fenced-off) hieroglyphics chamber with human figure reliefs.

  • Şems-i Tebrizi Cami


    An important pilgrimage place, this mosque contains the elegant 14th-century tomb of Rumi's spiritual mentor, Şemsi Tebrizi (Şems of Tabriz). It's in a…

  • Köprülü Mehmet Paşa Cami


    This beefy, helmet-roofed building beside the Shoe-Maker's Bazaar dates to 1661. The metal sundial in the courtyard was added in the mid-19th century.

  • İzzet Paşa Cami


    This is one of the largest mosques constructed during the Ottoman Empire. It was built by the grand vizier in 1796 and restored in 1903. Its design was…

  • Ali Tusi Türbesi

    Central Anatolia

    Walking up Sulusokak from GOP Bulvarı, you'll see the tiny Ali Tusi Türbesi on the right. This red-brick Seljuk tomb dates from 1233 and incorporates some…

  • Sahib-i Ata Vakıf Müzesi


    This old dervish lodge, with its red-brick and blue-tiled interior, is home to the Sahib-i Ata Vakıf Müzesi, with an interesting collection of religious…

  • Hıdırlık Tepe


    For the best vantage point over town head up to the top of Hıdırlık tepe (hill) where you'll find a park and cafe as well as excellent views.

  • Şark Kulesi


    Climb up this tower in the hisar (citadel) area for excellent views across Ankara.

  • Ballıca Cave

    Central Anatolia

    The Ballıca Cave, 26km southwest of Tokat, is one of Turkey's most famous caves. The limestone labyrinth, 3.4 million years old and 8km long (680m is open…

  • Anıt Kabir Museum


    The buildings on one side of the Anıt Kabir plaza (to the right of the tomb) contain an extensive museum dedicated to both the life of Atatürk and Turkey…

  • Archaeology Museum

    Central Anatolia

    South of Nasrullah Bridge, this small museum has well-displayed exhibits and detailed information panels in English. The central hall is devoted to…

  • Nasrullah Meydanı

    Central Anatolia

    Leading off from Nasrullah Bridge, Kastamonu's main square centres on the Ottoman Nasrullah Cami (1506). Poet Mehmet Akif Ersoy delivered speeches in this…

  • Castle

    Central Anatolia

    Kastamonu's castle, lording it up on a rock outcrop above the central city, is currently undergoing a massive restoration not likely to be finished until…

  • Bulak Mencilis Cave


    Deep in the Gürleyik hills 10km northwest of Safranbolu, the Bulak Mencilis Mağarası cave network has a 400m route open to the public; the actual caverns…

  • Gök Medrese

    Central Anatolia

    Constructed after the fall of the Seljuks and the coming of the Mongols by local potentate Pervane Muhinedin Süleyman, the 13th-century Gök Medrese has…

  • Koyunoğlu Museum


    This curious museum contains the legacy of railway inspector Izzet Koyunoğlu who built up his esoteric collection of rare, er, collectables on his travels…

  • Tokat City Museum

    Central Anatolia

    Opened in 2019, this small museum, directly opposite Tokat Museum, focuses on the history of the city. Unfortunately there are no English explanations…

  • City History Museum


    Inside the mustard-yellow Eski Hükümet Konağı (old government building), on a hill overlooking the town, this small museum has a collection of…

  • Sulu Han

    Central Anatolia

    Unfortunately locked on our last visit, the brick-and-wood Sulu Han is very dilapidated but is worth a peek inside if it's open to see its turquoise and…

  • Kasım Sipahioğlu Konağı

    Central Anatolia

    Although the interiors here aren't as interesting as in neighbouring Sipahioğlu Konağı, it's well worth paying another ₺2 to see, as owner Filiz Teyze …

  • Divriği Castle

    Central Anatolia

    Divriği's castle, sitting high on the craggy mountainside above town, was built by the Seljuks in the 13th century. The ruins can't be entered due to…

  • Küre Mountains National Park

    Central Anatolia

    The vast majority of this 37,000-hectare national park is still largely undiscovered by tourism. Spots that have been developed include the small Ilıca…

  • Roman Baths


    At the sprawling 3rd-century Roman Baths ruins, the layout is still clearly visible; look for the standard Roman apoditerium (dressing room), frigidarium …

  • Ethnography Museum

    Central Anatolia

    South of Nasrullah Bridge on Cumhuriyet Caddesi, turn right after Gazi Paşa school to reach the restored 1870 Liva Paşa Konağı, with its upstairs salons…

  • Kuğulu Parkı


    At the southern end of Tunalı Hilmi Caddesi, Kuğulu Parkı is a leafy oasis with a fountain-spouting pond ringed by cafes and garden beds of pansies. On…